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23 August. Wednesday Provost and Bell finished skinning the Bear and its a fine skin we put in a Barrel with strong pickle made of salt and water, an excellent method to preserve all the skin of larger animals. The wind continues high and cold we left and only travelled about 10 miles 24th Thursday. a bad night of wind and cloudy. left early as it became calm. passed The Hills called emphatically "Loun? guidance", The Dancing Bear Hills, thus called because it is reported by The Indians illegible? Bear was seen to dance as if music had been played to it on the occafives?? all of which is a men Superstitius legend of the poor deluded Indians. we travelled about 20 Miles and were again stopped by The Wind. Hunted but found nothing. Harris caught a Specimen of Vespestatio? nuvoboracancis?. _ The last of The Bear was rendered and produced only? 7 Bottles. We heard what was thought a parti? of Geese?, but I thought that it only The noise produced by The paddling? in? of The Bank of The river, which indeed at times any one not accostumed to luck found would easily take these for Gun shots. There the wolves of both Kind, large and small / that is The Common Wolves and The Prairie Wolves howled so curiously and were in such large numbers that it was supposed the hubbub was the noise of a Large Party of Indian Dogs along with their and? Maste? we alll went to sleep however? well prepared for action in case of need, our Guard and pistols loaded with Balls and our Knifes all close to our bodies. but I slept well though Cold. we procured some Stou? with unpropious?of curious shells. 25th Friday. Fair and Calm but foggy, and therefor did not start early. passed the 2 Ricaree _ winter Villages but not an Indian to be seen. _ Many Eagles and Perigrine Falcon. _ shot another Bull.. _ Bell gives little credit to any person but himself. Sprague has not spoken to me since the death of the Bear! We passed the Gros Ventre village at 12. No Game about this place _ "La Main Gauche" an abiniboib Chief of great renown has had a Battle with The Sioux and lost 70 Warriors Killed and 30 Wounded, the Near? following the Small Pox on The Prairie [[[apposite?]] and lost his unclear?. The Gros Ventre are a courageous Nation. Reached The Mandan Village. Hundreds of Indians Swam out to us with pieces of Cloth tied around their head. in the manner of turbans. Our old Friend the Four Beast met us on the shore and remain beside us all at once. I gave him 8#? of tobacco and he came on board of us to be taken down to Fort Clark, and we reached that place at 4 of the afternoon. I received 3 presents from Mr C. Sprague attempted to remain there but was defeated by Mr C. contrivances. Mr C. Squire and "Four Bears" rode out in the dark to the Gros Ventre's Village.