I now you would like to see me but i would like to See you as bad you do [bleve?] we have gained the grate victory here that we worked so long for [oh?] we are just a [leanen?] them out here and that is the way i would like to be at home to clean Some of the butternutes stain out or [tar??] them of them oh i feel more toward the the union than ever i did i dont like to here of a butternut in the north but there is plenty but if they had the [20th?] ohio to deal with they woulden be [illegible] left back to whre butternuts [illegible] or some other kind of [illegible] i must close for this time by asking you to rite soon to me and give all the informaiton you can about rebes that is left be hind in the north This is from your kind husband i still remain your husban till death So good by farewell This from George Deal Sarah Deal [illegible] [Sander?] is the writer