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are employed at work of more Importance than the smith shop particular as its for the Indians who from various reports are our enemy begin line along left margin marking the subsequent paragraph with illegible wordwe have now in sight of the Garrison across the River the whole nation of Sacs, who have been counseling & Trading here for ten days -- They declare themselves our Friend which we believe not to be the case altogether -- and the only Breach of that promise was Two days past, when the chiefs were in counsel with Mr. K. & myself in the Garrison, a Dancing party came up and asked leave to dance round the Garrison, one of the Gates being opened near the Guard House they attempted to force in by a crowd, the Guard put themselves in the position to charge Bayonet, and was obliged to step a few spaces back, or run them through -- the cannon was drawn up and charged, which put a stop to the Dancing -- they returned out of the Garrison, with a yell raising the arm which held the weapon of Defence -- Mr. Garrod who arrived here Two days before this took place informed us the Traders Told him, the plan of the Indians was to Take the Garrison & Factory; to come under the pretense of Trading & Counseling &ct get possession by the use of the Knife & Tommyhawk, which corroborated with their movements of that day as the whole nation was here, women & men -- Tomorrow they talk of leaving this -- Mr. Polia & Blakely X were the Traders that made presents to the Osage -- also been selling whiskey all winter to the Indians, and have now in Julians care six Bbls which Lieut K. is to take this day -- Those Times causes us to be a ? -- six days more, the Troops will move in the new Garrison, where we bid defiance to Indians, If Majr Wilsons boat will only come on end of text marked with line on left margin I enclose you a receipt of the articls sent by Mr. Butteleer?, who also brought my Blankets Dixcon's? Horses gave out was the cause of the delay -- the Sac Indians have delivered me three Horses, which was stolen from ? settlement & they have three more to deliver, which was stole from the little Town above Saint Charles, on the Missouria -- The Sac say they will delver the Osage Horses here & not the Prisoners, when their Horses are delivered at Fort Osage -- which they appear much displease, to think their Horse should be Detained -- Be please to send me any Box or? packages direct to me, or for this Factory I have a Box? ? other things at Bell Fountain that came on with the Blankets -- By Mr. Julian I shall send my peltrys & furs, he is now gone to Draw his credits at the Iowa village how far his license will permit him, is for the Governor to say In very great haste I write to you as many Indians are wating -- I recid a leter from Mr Boilvin by McFarland to whome I beg leave to refer you -- I have at Boilvins request? bought a Canoe for McFarland to ? to St Louis which will come to fifteen Dollars the charg will be made to you, with some other small ones that have taken place here -- I am Sir very respectfully your Hb? Servt Jno Johnson

General Clark -- Lieut K. request me to say he would have written you but had not Time --