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Deed from Massena M Lucas? to Calvin S. Kingsley Lot 3.-7312? Portland? [large red county seal]

State of Oregon Multnomah Co. I hereby certify that the within instruments of writing were received for record April 8th 1859. and are recorded on page 180, of Book "B" of its record of Deeds in the office of its recorder of Multnomah County. In testimony whereof. unsure my hand and the seal of said County affixed at Portland that unsure day of May A.D. 1859. DW. Lichtenlater? Auditor & Recorder

Territory of Oregon Washington County On this 18th day of March AD 1854 Before me unsure S Davis a trustee of the unsure within said county, Personally appeared Massena M Lucas? whose name is subscribed to the within instrument of writing and acknowledged that he signed and Executed the same as his unsure and deed for the purpose therein mentioned. unsure under my hand the day and year above written Anthony S. Davis Justice of the Peace