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Know all men by these presents, that one James P.O. Lonnsdale and Sarah R Lonnsdale his wife, of the county of Gibson and State of Indiana, in and for the consideration of Three Hundred Dollars to us in hand paid "by C.S. Kingsley" the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold in quit claim and by these presents do bargain sell and quit claim unto C.S. Kingsley his heirs or assigns, all our right title and interest in and to all those Town Lots in the city of Portland and State of Oregon to wit Lots number Seven and Eight in fifty by one Hundred feet each, known on the Plat of said city of Portland as such, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging to his or? assigns own use and benefit forever, and we will forever warrant and defend the same against the claim of any person whatsoever who may claim the same through or by us, or either of us. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hand and affixed our Seal, this 20th day of October AD 1860. JPO Lonnsdale. seal Sarah R Lonnsdale. seal

State of Indiana Gibson County unclear

Before me SM Barton clerk of the Gibson Circuit Court in and for said County this 20th day of October 1860 James PO Lonnsdale and Sarah R Lonnsdale acknowledged the Execution of the annexed Deed Witnessed? my hand and circuit court seal

Sm Barton Clerk