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for it. As the failure to do unsure Mr Besch? what I had informed him I would in all probability be able to do has not met his approbation? and has unsure him to close the mortgage without delay & which I cannot now possibly hinder. Now I wish to say a word in regard to the Watts matter. I made the trade with him for his town property. Giveing him those notes on Shang? just exactly as I understood there to be agreeing to be good for their final payment. He informed me at the time we made the trade there was in the neighborhood of (900.) dollars against the premises which however he would pay off in a short time one month or so after. I told brother Watts I unsure some money unsure month He said that I could get it he thought of judge Hamilton by giveing seemily? our real Estate in [strike-through] Portland Bro Watts spoke to Mr Hamilton for me in regard to the money, who informed him that I could get, I never examined the records in regard to the property, but said to Mr