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integrity. I sold them the farm unsure with the full understanding when their part, that it was embarrassed?. I recd from them certain notes to the amt of $1650, endorsed by bro Ford & secured to me in no other way. these notes were all considered good, & come due the first of Dec. & I unsure would have been paid soon after maturity had not the parties lost heavily by the flood, it was definitely understood that these notes or the money for them were to go toward relieving the place of encumberance. But to cut the story short these notes were not paid nor could they be unsure so that I could in any way [strike-through] use them, & without this I could not free the place, which was understood before hand & therefore by mutual consent the thing was set back to where it was before we traded! my giveing back to them just the notes & property I had recd of them they in no way damage in point of dollars and cents. Myself however compelled to suffer