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8 her tounge today hard things & if the testimony of such men as Doct Shepherd, and others of our Bretheren here who have visited Portland since my sojourn in Albany, is reliable she has settled things, of which I hope she will repent or I greatly fear she will finally miss of unsure. I have heard many of unsure things to which you allude and tho duply afflicting. I have taken but little pains to contradict their, not so much as i ought, but have tried to bear thus in a Christian spirit, & to judge charitably of those who give publicity to them. I am ready my dear bro to have an investigation of all these things, and am well satisfied that I would stand much fairer to have this than I now do at Portland. I am willing that my judgment in regard to certain business transactions should be called in question but not my motives & integrity as a man or a christian. But enough now of this, As you remark in your letter, my