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Dear Brother in Christ Believing a few unclear would not be altogether uninteresting to you I conclude to collect a few thanks to gether and send them to you hopeing you will pardon any eror I should commit. There is considerable interest felt for religious matters here but I think there has been but about three appointments filled outside of Vancouver since conference. Brother Ranes? said his health has failed so much that he cannot travel and preach and therefore must confirm him self to town and its vacinaty. Such and arrangement leaves about one half of the work destitute of a Preacher, and was nearly to last years. Lewis River and the unclear settlement was not attended to last year, and these two settlements embraces fully one half of this work wealth and population besides this we had a very promising membership in each of these settlements some of which has already sought a place in other churches, now must we abandon the ground wee already occupy and the field for future operation. I hope you will say not if we do it leaves Methodism to be supported only by a few citizens in and around town which number is so small I think they would soon find the burden too heavy for them and then down goes Methodists in these parts. The remark made by your self in conference expresses a sentiment that I would endorse that is relative to taking Preachers a way when they are not supported and place them where they would be. But I