to understand the Distress they will bring themselves & family to if they cause the white people to raise against them -- Captn. N. Heald is the Commanding officer of this Garrison and act as Indian Agent for the time being -- We have received information by the return of the Express from Fort Wayne last month, that Governor Harrison was to leave Vincennes on the 20th ultime with 500 regulars & 1000 Militia to come against the Prophet and likewise? to built a Garrison at the old Town of ?, but have heard nothing of the expedition since. -- Governor Edward Speech has been explained to the Indians of this quarter, they all agree that the Demand of those murderer & of the Stolen property is Just, but they all declare the incapacity in and the fear of the Danger of their lives, in attempting to Seize those bade men, they have said they would advise in the course of the winter with more respectable Indians of their Nation & endeavour to come to some means to have those people taken up to deliver them to Justice -- --
I am Respectfully Sir, Your Obd Servant Jno Latimer