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daughter should make us a few days visit - soon. She wishes to become a little more acquainted and to visit her father's grave. Of course we will send her a coridal invitation to come Alick really came here and staid one night - with us last week! He brought a great lot of fish he and John Roberts had caught out where Jane went once with her uncle Did some? folks. We and Lewis and Sarah's folks all had a great feast on them. Jennie took Alick up to Glyn. Mary writes that he enjoyed his visit very much I am sure he did. He is about starting now I believe on a trip to 1000 islands. The warm weather affects him more than usual, Mary says. Anna got a good long letter from Nate this morning. Carrol is quite sick with cankered sore mouth, cries and is very restless nights, but she thought was getting a little better. She has a girl, who came Tues or Mon. Carrol likes her well. Mate hopes to keep around till her gets well. Ma was sick with dysentery a few nights ago but it didn't last but a little while. She is well now but not very strong Father is looking pretty weak, but is around as usual. (You will see by enclosed paper that I have been poorly of late, but I think I am