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Think every night of a thousand things to write, but forget them now But may you be Blessed and presence? until I return, is the wish of your-affectionate Husband C. G. Hinman

I is about clearing off. though I we will have a shower towards Night, it is now about Noon. I am writing on one of unclear stones we brought to our Camp for unclear yesterday His Teams have not come in yet, is looking for them to day, about 100 Teams at the Ferry all the time, as soon as one is gone his place is filled, 2 Boats running, take across 40 Teams in 12 hours and they run all Night--I have to close, will write again promised Charley? to give a description of a Chiefs? dress, but now

Lt Joe May 3, 1849

[ink stamp St Joseph May 4 Mo] [check mark] 1849 Paid 10 [stamp PAID X]

Mrs Sarah H. Henman Groveland unclear co unclear