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9th A Boat was to leave for St Louis about sun down, and up Holland? of Washington had freight below, he said he would go down and see about it, _a_e? runs, but just as the Boat was leaving he came and told unclear he. Could not go, and I must go I had but just time to snatch up my coat and get unclear before she left, 65 miles to Weston? by Water 30 by land, got in there the next morning at 8 oclock, and found our bucon and sea bread was shipt the night before, and now to get back, the staye had left and but one Boat in, and she had lost over 40 passengers with the Cholera since she left St Louis, she was crowded unsure, and I thought I would take the land route, started on boat at 9 oclock and got in to St poes at 12 past 5 with confident expectation of finding a letter as it was the day for the mail, but I was doomed to be dissapointed, and I will not attempt to paint to you my feelings or how much I felt hurt, that I must go from here and not he noticed by a single one that I left he unclear I found my mess across the River and 6 miles out, a good dayes walk for me Craudall, Hanis and others in No 32 have withdrawn from the pioneers and started for Santa Fe, was sorry to part with Hanis, not likely I see him again unless it he in Illinois Houghes has laid in the tent all day while we have been packing our loading he has unsure the Bread for us once only, and when we travel wildes? in the waggon, what we shall do with him I dont know, It now nearly right; Ben is a going to St Poes for a unsure thing and I can send this in by him, to morrow we start again, and before another Eastern mail goes I shall be far beyond the reach of it, the unsure of the pioneers are here and will travel to gether I am writing an a barrel head, and is rough and uneven, dont know as you be able to make out what I write I think I shall occasionally write to Charley, but when I write with the expectation of getting an answer it will be to some one, that I think will answer it We have had a hard dayes work and I cant write as much as I would be glad to, Ben is ready to go and I must stop, and it may be, I have unsure you to much allready for not writing but you should imagine yourself in my circumstances. unclear think whether you would