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This City is at the South end of Salt Lake, is laid off very pretty about 4 miles square, and has about 7000 Inhabitants Houses mostly Small Some built of mud Some of Logs and Some of unburnt Brick They are building a verry nice Council House of Stone I went directly to the Post Office where I eniquired for, and was directed to, the the old man Richar? He knew me but had forgot my name Sta with him an hour, and agreed to call again before I leave Town which will be tomorrow morning, we are now at the uper end of Town and have got 2 Boys to herd our Cattle at 2 cents a head This is a Beautiful vally Surrounded with mountains Some of them covered with Snow and yet it verry warm here. Snow falls from 6 to 18 inches here The Lake has two large mountains in it. the mountains have large herds of cattle on the unclear the water is not Swimming deep to the first, but is many miles, no Fish but in the Utah Lake, and the oultet (or River Jordan the mormons Call it) is a pleanty of Fish, The outlet is a large Stream and runs 1 1/2 miles West of the City. many large streams empty their waters with a perfect rush into Salt Lake which has no outlet Tel Rulandus I have within a few dayes caught lots of Trout

Note from Transcriber: Addressed as follows

Salt Lake City Paid 12/11? July 16 1849

Mrs. Sarah H. Hinman Groveland Tazewell Co Illinois