some remedy to her baby, who is troubled a good deal with colds, and she has sent her little girl down at one time and another with homemade bread, biscuits and cake which we relished very much. She has also had us two or three times up to tea. Mr. Parry's nephew, son of Eliazer Jones, Middle Granville, boards them and is very intelligent, pleasant company Mrs. P has three very pleasant children besides the baby who is almost worshiped Last evening we made a short call on the Mrs. Perry with whom Maria Pugh boarded where we met a niece of old Evan George -- I have had very cordial letters from Mrs. Warren and each of my fellow teachers in Charleston, which I have just been answering -- While on the Steamer I was surprised to find in my sachel a beautiful fruit knife, accompanied with the following note -- "Miss Everett. Dear Teacher: We have chosen this small present as a token of our gratitude and love for your teachings and kindness. We hope you will ever keep it to remember the members of No. 11. With the best wishes for your restoration, to good health, we remain your loving scholars." followed by a list of their names. Then upon opening my trunk a found a book from the teachers -- Good night, love to all Cynthia.
in left margin: Mary is out this evening perhaps she will add a line when she comes in. She is feeling very well to day