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... but do not know how near right I am. Annie and I have taken some fine walks. Last evening we went through the woods about a mile then to the road and up to a factory village called "The Valley", then back along the road, most of the way along by the mill pond. Annie get some pond lilles. There are some beautiful places around here, but we have to take pretty long walks to home from to them. July 4h - We did not get up early enough to get to Rome this morn. by the 8 o=clock train jsut aw we did not get through breakfast yesterday early enough to send this to mail I do not know whether we will go on to 11=o-clock train or not. Your note and Jennie's letter were received yesterday. We were all much disappointed that you were not coming down but glad to hear of the Excursion to North Pond. I hope the party will have a very pleasant time. We went to to the depot to meet the evening train yesterday thinking perhaps you might be on board

in margin I will try to answer Jennie's letter before long. Annie wishes me to say that she hasn't time to answer your note to-day.