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Sworn by you to inquire into and assess the damages which said company shall pay to said Township for running said road through these said lands and appropriating a tract sixty six feet in width through the same to the use of said company for fifty years (written above: "so long thereafter by their charter unclear") in which inquiry of damages the said jury shall take into consideration the advantages and disadvantages unclear to said Township by the establishment of said road and give their verdict accordingly which verdict so made by said jury you shall return to the clerk of the County Court of said county at the next term of commissioners court there of for the consideration of unclear court unless the said commissioners of the said 16th section or the said company shall appeal to the current court of said county given under my hand and seal this 1st day May 1833 D. G. Ligow Jr. Came to hand 2 May 1833 Matt Roberts Graff By virtue of the foregoing warrant I have summoned Henry Jones Byrd? Lynthicum William Johnson Jos (Joseph) Hill Jos (Joseph) Johnson William Terrill & William Davis good [[unclear] jurors of said county who after being unclear unclear & sworn according to the statute proceeded to go upon the land marked out for the road in presence of William Leigh, BC Burnett, & J Abernathy commissioners of said school & David unclear & M Tarver agents for said company & there made returned under their hands the following verdict to wit