From Newberry Transcribe
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our pickets foraging and as they did not return last night now this morning it is but natural to suppose the rebs have taken them out of the wet. I pity them, as they will no doubt have a hard time of it. Snow belonging to our squad you no doubt remember he was clerking for White the clothes dealer under the [Tremont] House. if when Mother and I brought my last suit of clothes. He was a fine young fellow and our squad will miss him greatly. He has a sister living in Chicago. Miss Rodie Snow I was sorry to hear of Frank Millars death. Soldering will be lonely to Johnny now Time compels me to close. The Nourse boys are well and in the same section with me. Johnnie Hall was well when I saw him last 3 days ago Sending my Love to all I remain dear Father and Mother Your loving Son Jno. C. Fleming