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trout. Pretty fish and all just pining to get on the hook. The other day we caught a regular whale. It broke our line and ran away with our $1.25 minnow. The little store minnow got pretty well chewed up today. They catch here sea trout, channel bass, black bass, sheepshead, silver mullet and a fish whose name sounds "cavalrys", I don't know how to spell it. It is a big fish; grunts like a pig & is very gamey. It is not very good to eat & is caught mostly for the fight it makes -- especially with a fly -- or its size. The Englishman fishes only for these cavalyos (with flies) & strikeout black bass. Its pretty hard work to fish all day. My legs ache and my face is like a beet. This is the night of the Dowdy wedding. Will you please get a little present of cut glass at Raymond's & have the bill sent to me. About $10.00. or any