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IMAGE Flora Bullock IMAGE 1100 North 37th Street IMAGE Lincoln, Nebraska

Jan. 12, 1945

Dear Mr. Hitz:

Thank you for your note of the 8th and the advance payment - I call it that, as I do not feel entitled to pay until the job is finished and in your hands. All of the many "things" that have bothered me were just getting out of my way, and now if they'll stay out, there should be real results shortly. I have about twenty typed pages that need some rechecking and a final copying, and many pages of notes. The work with the Journal underlined files is almost done. I have an appointment early next week with Mariel Gere, daughter of the Journal underlined editor of the old days, and hope then to solve the "age" mystery and other points.

I had struck out - one two letters from Mr. Cunnigham from England, but none for several months. I presume he went to France. I wrote to him before Christmas. Yes, it's real winter most of the time but spring is just around two corners!

Very truly yours, Flora Bullock