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and as for Mrs. Brown she is a Young Widow, handsome, witty, and has a big Plantation in the interior of Arkansas, and has only two children. Just think what an opportunity for a young man starting out in the world Between the two it is hard to chose, could you not give me a little advise on the matter. They are in favor of States going it alone, but they might possibly be converted to Union. Since I have been writing Levi Davis has read a letter from Charlie, asking him, through orders from Col Vifquain if he will receive the Adjutantcy of the Regt. Vifquain has given Adjt Frierson a chance to resign or be Court Martialed for borrowing money from private Soldiers and refuseing to pay it, am of the impresion that Levi will axcept it This is the dullest of all dull places. Should hate to be placed here, away from the Regt. as the Lieutenant is. Give lots of love to Carrie and the Children Shall be anxious to hear from you all, and keeping a good share of love to yourself. I remain your loving Brother Carl P.S. Direct to this place untill you hear from me again as some think that the Regt. will soon be back here