[begin vertical writing] Must brig this to a close for we are to have Dress Parade to night and I must clean my Brass Write Often With love to all Your Afct. Brother Carl [vertical writing end] New Orleans June 26th /64 Dear Brother It is Sunday Afternoon about three Oclock, have been trying to read, but could not for I was to sleepy. I then threw away my book and tried to sleep, but was foiled there for it is so hot that it will roast me if I undertake it. Am now going to try and write a little, but am afraid that I shall not succeed any better than at anything else. We have been having a remarkabley wet time, it commenced raining on the first day of this month, and with but two exceptions has rained every day since At no time in that period has the pools of water in the yard around the barracks dried up so as to make the ground dry nor has there been a day in the last two weeks but what the Sun has shone with scorching heat. Well how stands affairs about home? I suppose you are beginning to discuss freely the prospects of a comeing Presidential election. Now let me give you a