that he was to start on the 24 of last month for letters have come through that were mailed on that date. Our Recruits have been in remarkable good health since they arrived in New Orleans, not one of them haveing been sick for more than a day or two at a time, and hardly ever more than one at a time that are excused by the Dr. Do hope that Hazard has got a better lot of men on an average than those already here. About one half of them are good men but the balance are a miserable trifeling set. Have succeeded in makeing a rain of paper and envelopes by visiting the Sanitary Commission. They will deal it out in small quantities to any Soldier who will condesend to beg for it. The talk now is that we are to be paid on Wednesday next of so will lay in a stock of write material. Ever since I commenced writeing this the boys have been raising old ned At the presant moment they are quarreling about who has got, high, low, jack and the game So please excuse blots and blunders With love to all From Brother Carl