quite military. There was a full brass band of splendid musitions out from Springfield and played for the regiments (8 in number) through the parade. The music was good and there was a great many out from town consequently everybody done their best. When the parade was over we gave them three rousing cheers. Col. Hecker the one that commanded the 81st now commands the 122nd. He is a perfect tyrant at his men. Tell Caty that as our regiment was coming in from parade. There was a little boy and girl about the size of Marshall, each of them had a flag and hurrah for Lincoln and the Union. We all wanted to hurrah but did not dare to. Tuesday 11 o'clock [illegible] have just your letters. Just the kind I like to read. I drilled yesterday with my gun untill my arm is lame. [thr?] [hours?] company [drilled?] in the morning 2 1/2 battalion drill in companies. I am glad to hear that [Henry?] has sold Fremont. It is best for him to sell everything that he does not want. I have not seen a number of Harper's Monthly since I been in camp. We have New York St. Louis and Springfield daily papers It is about for me [to?] [hear?] [from?] [illegible] shall [write?] to [illegible] [often?]. I get [illegible] which is very precious in camp now.