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2 B.B.B.

Quartermaster General's Office Division of Clothing and Equipage, Washington City, D. C., July 23d, 1866. Sir. Your Return of Clothing and Camp and Garrison Equipage rendered as A.A.Q.M; Pioneer Corps, 4th Div. 15th A.C. for June 65 has been received and examined at this Office, and sent to the Second Auditor of the Treasury for settlement. Remarks All signatures on Receipt Roll are in the same handwriting. Explanation req'd. The party witnessing Receipt Roll must attach his rank. Par. 1159. A.R. Articles lost or stolen must be accounted for by affidavit. Par. 1168. A.R. Very Respectfully, Your Obd't. Serv't. By Order Q. M. Gen'l. Alex. J. Perry Col. Q.M.D & Bv't Brig. Gen'l. [to the left of the signature block:] Lt. Ed. McLean.} 110th U.S.C. Inf't.}