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[pg 55]


[Column 1]


Erasmus stultita: phauoginus quartana: Ovid Flea Virgilius Musca: Synesius Calvitiem muntague stone Glacus Iniusticia: Cardanus Nerone: pickinerus podagra:.


Homer war of rats & froggs.

Italians say ye English Drinke in theyr bootes. b.tacks Eat raw fish. oysters strawe haye in theyr chambers. rushes feede on buried flesh. pyes. Consul Condus Praetor promus Doctor Coctor Jus in patinis paena caena Codex Lodex fabula pabula suppellex pellex fiscus discus Imperator apperator fessa ossa Lances Lanceae Cristae cistae acies facies bella labella Spicula pocula Spolia dolia Scutu: Scortu: Strategemata magemata

[column 2]


write more then they will avowe Speake more then they thinke doe more then they oughte


Prick otherwise then they singe write then pronounce Speake otherwise the[n] they meane

   Beleeve not a woman if

she weepe make herselfe sick eate no meate


Italum rufum album Francigenam nigrum Almannum.

  Fratres Vouent

paupertatem in balneo obedientiam in mensa casitatem in altari


puelle smie amore nundinae smie furibus senex judaeus divitys vetus horreu: muribus antiqua vestis pediculis cuper barba

    Nibit Valent

pons polonicus monactus Bohemicus miles Australis Italoru: devotio Alemannoru: ieiunia