[First Column]
Charges public 1 wth honor wthout powre to commannde Ambrs., Councellrs, Ediles, questors 2 Honole and indginge in dverse causes wthout commanude pontifices prelates 3 Honle and power of commaunde wthout Jurisdiction Tribunes Censors Governors of provinces proctors for ye kinge. 4 Publick Honle ordinary and powre of commande wthout iurisdiction the right magistrates consulls pretors .1.
Iudicium est secundum legem decretum S. euitatem. Soverayn magistrates
Archon Athens Pritanne Rhodes Captayn Archeaus Gohfalomex Florentines Duke Genoua Dictator Rome
Harmonicall Justice
4 6 8
Lex Equitas Legis actio
Judicis officium
Graunte an others opinion wth destinction. Follow his motion wth condition allow his councell wth alligation of farther reason.
F.E V D V M Fidelem ego Vitam Domino Vivam meo.
[Column 2] The Empyre had 4 Dukes Metropoles Lantgraves townes Marquesses Rusticos Burgraves viculos Earles Dominos Militares Abbots Princes Marshalls [illegible - m??nts?] Barons Burghs Knightes Hunters Servantes
England Parlement France Estates Germany elect Spayne Courtes Oxford Convocation,
Unappealeable Chamber imperiall Councell at Naples 40 at Venice Rota at Rome Senate at Milayn .1
Realmes obtayned by
Succession France Election Norther Conl, Guift Augustus to Juba Testamen Tunez Subtlety Hiero Lott Darius Conquest Serbius Justice Numa Age the Arabians