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[pg 23] [column 1]


John de Pin made Mandevills bookes Nich Gilles . fol 89 [Nb: Refers to Giovanni de Pain, and the Travells of Sir John Mandeville] . Pogius [nb: Poggio Braccolini]set foorth the Gottish history As his owne , but made by Procopius.

Cardanus [Gerolamo Cardano] set forth Tartaliaus [nb: Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia] Resolutions of Arithmatick quest.

Couper of the Gyantes boanes in his Dictionary left out my Father Sr Thomas Eliot, to make the tale his owne . [nb: possible clue to the authorship and date of this tome here]

Sigonius published Fully de Consolatione, of his owne makinge

Litleton of prisats booke of tenures

Homer Sayth Naucrates Stole his workes in Egipt et they were made by a woma[n] calles Phuntasia Lips de Bibliothecis f.10

    Books Counterfeit

phili quod mundis Sic incorrup= tibilis. pereruis. Recognitions Clementis. p Ambrosius in Pauli Ep[isto]las Augustinus quest Vet testaunce [uncertain symbol] Ciprianus de Sina et Sion. Id. Augustine de Ecclesiast. dogmib: Ciprianus de 12 abusionibis Seculi Ambrosius in Xenophon de Equivocis Methodius Arles de Plautis. Scat Jerome transla[ti]on of ye Bible as perer. seemes to doubt Tom 3º Fol 111. Commentaria Thomae Anglice tributi Thomae Aquinati fol 125 Ieronimus in 11 Ep[isto]las Pauli perer Ambrosius in Apicalips. Id. Acerisini[?] [crossed out: in] traditoines hebraicae in Lib Regum

[column 2] Trechery

Hipocrates de floribus per Augustinus te trinitate dubium Justini Marturis quaestiones in Genesim Pauls and Seuecas Ep[isto]les ?ares phriquis Cyrilli Ep[isto]lae [crossed out: calos?] Calosizni[m/n] Suckhf Athanasius Sermo de defunctis Ide[m] Damascenus de Eodem Leionis Ep[isto]la ad Dioscorum

Meanes to descerne forged writers See Plessis preface de la messe tre ,3.3

Of the prelets of clay for decidinge inheritance Axiom: Oecon f.129