16 Heraldry
Romani Aquila Phriges Sus Thraces Mars Galli Ursus Alani Catus Saxones Leonem Franci Bufo
Noble Princely yeoma[n] Gentleman Earle Francklin Esquier Marques Citizen Banaret Duke Knight Prince Kni: Baronet Kinge Baron Vicount Emperor
Marques above an Earle in Italy & England Under in Fraunce and Germany
Kinges Homages
Scotland to Englande Navar } Portugal } Castile Granado Arogon Leon - }
Lombardj } Scicil } Empyre Boemia } Naples }
Burgundy } Arles - } France .
Olimpica Oleaster Istmica pinea Delphica laurus Nemea assia
Marm. siculu[m] uid de nobilibus Hispan et eoru[m] reditibus.
[column 2]
See Holinshed for English irish - colleges, Sheeres br.
Indians honor of ridinge 1 on an Elephant 2 coche wth 4 horses 3 a camell 4 a chariot on horse
Spayne hath
Dukes 23 Marquesses 32 Earles 49 Vicountes 2 Archbishops 7 Bishops 33
Princes 14 Dukes 25 Marquesses 37 Earles 54 Barons 488
Kinges obtayninge theyr crowns
from ye pope.
Stephe[n] of Hungary fro[m] Benet 6 Casimire of Polonia Benet 9 Demetrius of Croatia Gregory 7 Alfonse of Portugal Alexan. 3 Coloran of Bulgaria Innoc 3 Carolus Magnus Leo 3
Latinis praefectus pretorij Graecis curopalates Longobardis rector palatij Francis maior domus Germanis comes palatinus
The Archadians signe of nobility was to weare halfe a moone in theyr shues.