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Father says he has been trying all his life to find folks he could live with and thinks he has found some at last God grant it may bee so they seem desposed to do all they can for him oh that dark place we have just left how many hundred thousan years will in take to rejenerate those benited souls how do the soldiers seem to feel down south in regard to the suden and unexpectid death of our beloved and honored President it is getting my scribbling to a close Mrs [Frost?] said you would not think of looking under the [flour?] for the [verse?] but I thought you would I thought the valentine was as pretty as I ever saw


I received yours of March ritten on secesh paper. to hear from you my dear brother was much pleased not much flattered with the idea of being so far off as [illegible] please write as ofton as you can from your loving sister Fanny

Ed McLean