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Latin Exercises No 1. Brave men are praised, the cowardly are blamed. Fortes (hominos) laudantur, ignavi vituperantur.

Brave menhave always been praised, cowardly men blamed Fortes semper laudati sunt, ignavi vituperati sunt.

Men praise the brave and blame the cowardly. Homines laudant fortes, et vituperant ignavos.

Do not men praise the brave and blame the cowardly? Nomre homines laudant fortes et vituperant ignavos?

A coardly man will not be praised. Ignavus (homo) non laudabitur.

A brave man will not be blamed. Fortis (homo) non vituperabitur.

We will praise the good. Laudabinus bonos (hominbos).

You should blame the cowardly. Vituperetet ignavos.

Let us praise the brave and blame the cowardly. Laudemus fortes et vituperamus ignavos.

Let the brave be praised Laudantor fortes.

Blame the cowardly Vitupera (or vituperato) ignavos.