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qu. Adams parting words to the angel." 645-5 [unclear] Book Ninth " Where is the scene laid in this book? " To what does Milton compare his poem? " Explain these allusions? " How long time had elapsed since Satan left the garden? 63 " Where had he been? " Astronomical account of his travels? 64. "Geographical account? 76. " How did he gain entrance into the garden? [unclear] 5. " What had been the object of his search? 84. " Why did he fix upon the serpent? 86 "What were some of Satans reflections? " Comparison between heaven & earth? " In this how does he distract from the character of God? "Passage Showing Satans misery? 128 "What reason does he assign for creating man? 143. "What doubt does he express as to the creating of angels? 146. "Does he show here any remains of a better nature? 163. " WHat does he call man? 176. Why? 177. " Description of his entering the serpent? 180 "Eve's proposal? 208 " Some of the titles by which Adam addresses Eve? 290 " Reason why Milton makes them use such stately titles? Ans. According to ancient style & Scripture qu. What arguments does Adam use to [unclear] Eve? 273. " How does he finally give his consent? 370. " Eves parting words? 378-84. " To what did Milton compare her as she [unclear] 389 "Explain the allusion. "Why is he so elaborate in his [unclear] up;on her? Ans. It is the last description of her in her state of {stain obscures text] qu. How was the Serpent employed meanwhile? [unclear: 444?] " What was his work? 421 " How was Statn affected by seeing Eve? 456. " Description of the Serpent? 494. " How did he first seek to gain her attention? 510. " In one of what two ways is he made to address her? 528 " How was Eve first affected? 551. " Mention some arguments used by Satan to lead her to transgress. " Read a passage where Eve consents to be conducted to the tree. 631 " To what is Satan compared? 634. " Description of her transgression? 780. " Its effect upon her? 791. " Some of her first thoughts? 795 " How was Adam employed? 838 " Where did he meet her? 848 " Which speaks first? " Adams feelings on hearing of her transgression? 888. " Eves arguments to [unclear] Adam to transgress? 971. " Was he decieved by her arguments? 998. " Is this according to Scripture? 1 Tim 2:14 Read the description of her fall? 1000 " Some of their [unclear] accusations after their sin? 1090.