fallen into our hands; for that it will fall I have no manner of doubt. The success of the Campaign thus far has been wonderful - almost without a parallel: a clear space of 120 miles in width wrested step by step, inch by inch, against obstacle that at first sight seemed impossible to overcome. God bless the persistent and steady endurance of the brave boys through whose heroic sufferings these victories have been won. We shall probably lie here a few days to enable us to get up pontoons, stores, ammunition, etc. But I shall be very busy, since these two months of campaigning have brought with them a large accumulation of office arrearages, which must be "straightened up" as we say in soldier phrase. Yet I shall not be so busy but that I shall turn often to thoughts of you [crossed out text begin] whom, not having seen, I know and love so well. [crossed out text end] With such memories, amid these solemn days, I solace as I best can the sharp hungers of the intellect and the soul - not forgetting to thank God for that, thru strange processes. He cast in my way these large fellowships of heart and mind. Richard Realf.