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without writing in my journal. I did not forget you or my journal either, indeed i think if anything i thought of you both oftener than I should if I had written; but it did you no good though, as you knew none of my thoughts. One reason that I did not write is that I did not have time; (that sounds rather strange for me, does it not?) in the morning at ten o'clock, instead of a sponge bath, I take a pack; I get through about eleven, and then i only have about time enough to get rested before it is time to take my ride, that is, between one and two usualy and it takes me most all afternoon to get rested after that. But I do not intend to give up keeping this journal though, by any means, for that would be depriving myself of one of my sweetest pleasures. - Dear Jennie, how can I thank you enough for the very unexpected letter that I received from you last evening? I had given up the hope of having a letter from you this week, and had made up my mind to get along as well as i could without it, when to my joy and surprise your very welcome letter came. It came too at a time when it was greatly needed, for I had felt down spirited and almost discouraged, but that to you I feel quite cheerful again this morning. I have been out every day since a week of yesterday, until yesterday it was so wet and rainy that i did not go; it looks as if it was going to be pleasant again