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beseech her to join our order. One visit might have an effect perhaps except to rouse opposition, but few can resist long continued effort for their good. Others, whose out gushing charity is large enough to take in all the brotherhood of man might try their influence with Mr. Williams and see if there is - crossed out are not some dormant elements of humanity ^still slumbering in his bosom. Then those two little boys, they ought, I think they can be brought into the children's lodge. Those brothers too who to the solemn Do you thus promise [[but who have once unclear ]] have responded "I do," should not, must not be given up. Cannot a company - crossed out company of our members go over - crossed out in a load to their parents houses and let them feel that they have not forfeited all sympathy and respect. Lest a few words fitly? chosen be dropped in their ears, and God may ^yet save them. Men tell us that woman's [[^and man's hearts? ]] power is great If that tongue? show more nobly can it be used then to win back the fallen. We have been surprised that so few ladies have been appointed on our committee to labor with those who violate their obligations. There is ^also another power, greater far than woman's pledged ever on the side of right and if with earnest christian?? faith we look for the aid God can give we can hardly fail of success