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Dear Lodge? - To redeem my promise I must burden you with a shower of words to night and if a few ideas can be sifted from the fragments, I shall be glad gratified satisfied. I have been wanting an opportunity to say unclear rejoices my heart to find that our honored brethren are really not afraid to speak of temperance in connection with the ballot box. Act up to your convictions, good brethren, that is all we ask of you, but that we do ask - with earnest entreaty. unclear You will not be too near right if we follow our trust? noblest impulses and cleansed convictions lead us on a truer path path - but they will certainly be nearer than if we consult policy? alone (or and if by patient sifting you can glean? a few ideas I shall be highly gratified Strange how fearful we are to You will then be none too near the right but will find yourself treading a truer path than the one where policy and self interest lead. I would like to take a peek? at you all to night to see how the working harness fits. I have been thinking that perhaps some would rather work between our sessions than in them and that such might find abundance to do. There are numbers of poor inebriates around us whose forlorn cause some friend of humanity ought to espouse, Might we next have a standing [com.?]] whose duty it should be to report evening intemperate person within the reach of our influence? This we might resolve ourselves into companies of 2 and 3 brothers and sisters of Charity whose mission of love it should be to labor week after week with one of these unfortunates. How better could we work out the principles in the sublime degree of Charity I do not like to think that within shadow almost of our walls should live a family whose members none of our efforts can reach. Let some of our sisters who we know are weary with longing and wishing for good results go with earnest sisterly love to Mrs. Williams and proffering encouragement and sympathy