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Look In Your Files, Boys. Our country (good ol' USA) is cursed with a scourge of philosophers, "ipsi, what you call it." A philosopher is a man who knows little of every- thing and nothing much about anything. It is only when the thorobred grief strikes them that exiegencies of the circumstance force them to think thru. They average an intelligence of about 2 percent. (Labors average is much higher,, say 60-40.) A philosofers background is moss grown and hazy and he lives in association of facts (a divided value) and a comparative world. He dares not embrace truth and fondles half truths to hide his inferiority complex (I dont like that lost word but philosofers prefer it to the one I had on the tip of my tongue.)- Let us have practical men who will weigh and consider things not by relation but by merit (unrelated merit, I was going to say)- (There goes the dinner bell!)- Then there is the inherent sweetness of relation- ship, that cannot be denied, that gives the inter related objects an exaggerated weight in philo- sofical eyes and betrays their very reasoning. (Pretty near came saying it that time- men have probably been trying to say that since the world be- gan). Relativity then is false (I've been called on that one).