Only for the sake of comparison we might observe that Europe has great confidence in diplomacy to pull them out of the cesspools of bad politics and worse economies. It actually seems that each nation believes that their salvation depends upon having the most skilled conniver present their aspirations to other equally skilled connivers of other nations. They night so better if the took aspirins or stears headache tablets, for its like a bum bumming other bums thru an intermediary;whatever that means. In this country too, labor has great reliance on open covenants openly arrived at with the boss;peace treaties etc. They seem to think "all it takes" is send their brainy boys to meet the sweet singers of the master and they fail to realize --- if they get anything from the boss the boss gets less... It's going to take much good yodeling to make the master loosen-up, ie: "How's the vegetable soup?" -- "same as hash, only looser." ---- Then again they send their delegates to the shores of the Potomac to lobby for oysters for the working class. They want this and that law; no grave, ketchup or worchester sauce--and, unless I'm mistaken, the masters executive board will get the habit and give them plenty; just like Europe and an Oregonboot. However, over in Europe, after the sweets singers are in proper positions, the headman De lad death, or somebody, orders the marine band to strike up Grenadier Guards and threatens to drop pineapples into Fritz or Giovanni's root-celler. The song is gone sour and the dear folks long for the whine of the bullets on the Rhine. And thus it is. good music lies down beside the warrio4ers for bad music has better standing up qualities__like a dirty story.