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And there you are fellow workers, way back there, see, rubbing elbows with Nebxehadnezzar, Hittites Hammurabi; and Ashor. (see Willem Van Loon.)- "And Jerusalem is in ruins, "did you say? Hm. Don't I know it?...

Daylight Saving Time (It came about this way): The farmers daughter handspiked the clock ahead one hour after supper so as to give the boys on the threshing rig an early start next morning. (Fair enough for she always handspikes the clock back one hour after breakfast) However when she went out after supper, to have a kind word with the visiting fireman; got to thinking that if its good to handspike the clock ahead one hour, two hours would make it all the better. So I slipped in the cookearand shoved the clock ahead another hour... Brainy boys got wind of this and called it daylight saving time - one of my most popular inventions. However the boys pulled a strike next morning two hours before daylight and later, when I came prancing into the jungles with about a half a card of firewood, one of those pusillanimous (mean spirited) header barge boswns absurd: "Slim is working on slum clearance." (origin of slum clearance) you don't get credit for anything anymore!

Lawyers are intrenched in ligistlative halls because laws are numerous, contradictary and beyond the scape of human understanding; including lawyers' And they make more axis without knowing what they already have. Some of those laws are real antique and pertain to conditions that no longer exist, if they ever existed; if they were not directed against a peculiar isolated instance or presump-tion. Modernization and simplification of law is an imperative need. Altogether too much law for amount of calories in the cupboard.