Mutual Aid ---- too great a number of the world's workers have failed to organize when they were young and today they are on the side lines, middle-aged and discarded by the bass. younger men are in their places to be taken for a ride in similar manner ---- only their trip will take less time. At 36 they can expect to be "bounced" ---- unless they organize ---- when they are young. Pitiful indeed are the parades to preserve the remnant of old men's jobs --- too olde to undertake anything new in competition with younger men and even if they could compete "the new" will displace an "easy one-third" of them --- as it is the younger workers will displace practically two-thirds of them and the remaining one-third is simply forgotten the shuffle. Fifteen years from now the younger element will have story --- unless they organize, organize now --- and stay organized. The older workers however seen to have a bone to pick the employer; the great "disorder." Their spleen alpine would seen to dictate that they help to organize the younger workers and spare the degradation they suffered themselves --- function at this late date to create the the necessary solidarity in the working class and help undermine the author of their wrongs -- the employer. What else can they do? Are they going to take it like e a good little boy and retire into the ranks of the WPA? Wild dream -- WPA is as good a "culler" as they boss himself even here you will have to be a younger man. There is no other way. You will have to give vent to your grudge-motive and help to take the boss for a nice buggy ride and out a stop to his pawing of the working class, picking and choosing his victims at will all his own. However if there is no more power left in the loins of the older element it is up to the younger workers to organize and save themselves.