about. the System of Promotion has had a very bad influence. old Cols do not like to be commanded by some Political General that precured his commission through Political influence. and realy know nothing about organising or commanding troops. Business is quite prosperous North from all accounts I hope your Spring and fall trade will be better than you or Henry can expect. he seams well pleased at the prospects. I trust that his mercantile business as well as his Matrimonial Affars will be both happy and prosperous. it is altogether quite an undertaking and responsiable position for a young man. as for myself I shall never marry. Wm Kilgore has been discharged and has gone Home his health was very poor. I see Mr Sabin every few days. I also see Capt Sayd Wheaton often he is a very fine Officer and has often been reccomended for Promotion but I fear he is in the same fix of some others has no Political influence. very little notice is paid to the recommends