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left corner torn temperance cause such favor success was that it was novelty new. It was something strange to see drunkards start such an enterprize. All gazed astonished, and multitude for the first time had their eyes opened, to the beauty of the temperance reform and joined in the enterprize. Yet the principles were the same only clothed anew. We see the same thing here to day! How beautiful all around appears on this happy New Years day. The sun never appeared, so bright. The-crossed out Never was the earth clad in so beautiful a mantle. Never it would seem did such sweet music break forth from a choir as we have heard this day. Why is all this? What fills our hearts with unclear We have seen other days like the present. But this is a new years day. Well may we wish each other a happy new year. The coming years will be one peculiar importance to temperance men. Never before have we had a fair chance of telling old alcohol how we liked his presence Never has the question been answered by the people, the whole people. Individually and single handed we have often endeavored to persuade our fellow citizens to leave him alone to starve, But never with one voice have we given him an authoritative command which he felt compelled to respect. Next April we will have an opportunity of doing this. Then will we with a ^ keen edged unclear which alcohol never has seen or felt yet. It is now the sword [[not the rifle - crossed out].] a bowie knife or a bayonet. It is a weapon that is firmer set.