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[[corner of page torn away] to monster Alcohol insertion yeast Alcohol /insertion entirely from our borders entirely from our - crossed out ?ow and orphan maker the greatest tyrant torn away swayed a scepter, the greatest robber that carried a dark lantern ^or a false pen; or lay in ambush on the highway to waylay the traveler ^the greatest murderer that ever unscathed a bloody sword. There is a great Idol in India into which - crossed out with an immense mouth and iron jaws into which the infants of poor heathen mothers are thrown and crushed to atoms. But here is a great Idol ^in Christiain that will eat up a hundred bushels of wheat to breakfeast half a dozen farms with bank notes silver and gold spread on like butter for dinner. 20 men 3 starved children and 5 broken hearted widows for supper. What an immense mouth he has! 2 of his teath are in this village and the end of his serpant tongue reaches out by the side of the turnpike just above. Go with me to yonder grave yard speckled over with sacred tombstones and behold where lie the souls of his victims. Go with me to yonder poorhouse and knock upon its walls and ask of the inmates, Who sent you here? 7/8ths will answer alcohol. One will tell you I once was rich but Alcohol stole my property my credit my health my resolution. It made me a worthless indolent vagabond, It threatened to starve me to death, and to the cold charity of these walls have I fled from its presence. Another will tell you my husband was - crossed out is a underlinedrunkard/underline one of my children - crossed out we were once prosperous and happy but rum stole his heart, he began to ^ neglect them abuse me, and take my chairs and beaureau and fine clothes and pawn them for Rum. Many a day have I bent over the wash tub and worked hard to support my family. but old Alcohol would steal my earnings till my frame was worn out