[illegible] [Lazy?] man that old Bugler is Blaring agane for drill So I will have to Stop till after diner then I will try to finish.. Well I have Drild and ate diner and now I will try to write a few lines although I have not much news to write thair hasnt bin much news of any changes Since I last wrote Dave Straight was notifide yesterday that he was recommended for the position of Captin in a US Colord Regt Hall hasent bin examend yet hee is in rather a Bad fix hasent bin able for duty for Some time has a [Bad?] [illegible] [cut?] an Diareah [my?] [illegible] as Doc [Lelmson?] Cals it is about dried up and I aint Sory it didnt run on mee as long as on Hall or I might bin as bad [Helver?] is back to his Compinee agane you know hee was on Harrisons Staff.. [Ward?] had to take comand of the Brigade agane So it broke up Coll Harrisons Staff and he has taken comand of his regt agane