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1873 5th Rena and I buried little Leo in the North East corner of our garden 6th Albert and I picked Cherries off Niles trees 8 Etta moved home from Chicago 9th & 10th very cool weather most cold enough for frost have had a good deal of rain for the last two weeks had string beans the 8th planted 20 May 20 Mr and Mrs Patterson and all our folks went in the woods down by Mannings and took dinner - wrote a letter to Mrs. Mc Comber telling about Leo 25 went in the woods to Episcopal Pic-nic - got Doll home the 19th 31 heavy rain Aug 2d Miss Blake came out here and stayed over Sunday - Aunt Libbie came down Aug 7 Sister Dunphy Ada Rena and I went to Lucy Kersimery and to the Insane Asylum 4 went to Chicago to meet Mrs Smith to get Abstract Aug 9 Shafe hauled my hay 11 Sister David I went to Bricton to see Em but they had moved to Chicago (she went home the 13th) and so we came back and staid to Mr Willeys 14 Martha and Ada went to Leyden to make their farewell visit before jumping out of the frying pan into the fire stayed until the 17th when Sam and Ell Carbell and Josie went up to Mr Willey's to come home with them 19th Will and Martha Rena all went to Barnums show awful hot 21 Corbett and Ada went to the show 22 Josies birth day she had all our folks over there to supper 24 went to Chicago also the 26 and 28 to settle Abstract Acct 29 I went to Newells on Van Buren street got Etta music book for birth day present 30 got the ballance of money due me from smiths Sept 1st awful hot day - 2d Alonzos folks moved to Chicago 3d Ada and I went to Town and stayed all night at Hickoks she got her black silk dress - shawl - water proof blankets - and unclear Sept 7th Martha and I went to Leyden to get butter 8th Margarett came down and the 9th we quilted one of Adas bed quilts - 11 got my silver burned got 25 dollars from Smith - Arthur got castor for Ada 13 had quite hard frost