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that is open to Divine Services, and the Pastor to it, is a Chaplain in the Rebel Army, and the man that fills his place might as well be there; for he is a Rebel at heart. I have heard him utter in his Prayer what I call treason. He makes no public demonstrations as being in favor of either side. Have heard him pray for the "success of our arms, and that the enemy might be made to see the eror of their ways, by the forse of our Armies" Would you not call that treason when a man dare not pray for one side, and will not for the other? We are again under marching orders, have been ordered to turn over all surplus baggage, and draw such equipage as is nessary for field service Some think we shall go, while others are in doubt then the question arises where do we go to, Virginia and Mobile are the two principal points for argument. There is quite an Army leaving here for some point that is certain. For the past week troops have arrived here daily from diferent points up river and left as fast by Sailing Vesels destination unknown