was my business not his. He then told me to come along with him, and he would show me whoes buisness it was. So I marched along very quietly until I got to our gate when I steped inside and told the Sentinal not to pass them in. At first the Sergt. was awful mad and threatened to report me, but his men laughed at him and told him to take it as a joke. So finaly he owed that he was Sold, and treated to the Oysters. I am glad that Sallie did not waste her ink and paper in lecturing me. I know that she felt almost duty bound to do it, but I fear it would have been of no use for I am so rough that I can not appreciate good advice. You need not send me any more Stamps for the present for I have bought one dollars worth which will last me for a long time. The boys have been raising old ned since I have been writing tipping over the ink, bloting this sheet a little and spoiling two envelops that I had directed with Stamps on them. Am getting nearly to the bottom of the page so will close. With my best respects to friends and love to all the family I Remain Your Afftionate Brother Carlie