but Gen. Banks will not let us go. As the Regiment gives goo satisfaction here The 19th A.C. has all come back from the coast of Texas and gone again inland by the same rout we tried last fall. Have just received a letter from Johny Beem He is now clerk at Hd.Qr. 4th Div. At the time of writing he was at Franklin. He reports the troops in good health, and ready for any emergency. There is great rejoicing throughout the entire Corps. At the return of their old commander, for as long as he is in command the boys can have more priveledges than under any other man I know of. Capt. Ochenbach has resigned and gone home, do not know what his reasons were for doing so, but presume it was because he go no promotion. This never will bring Howard in as Captain much to the dissatisfaction of most of the members of the company. The Summerfield boys in particular, it makes them awful mad