Capt Lewis has gone to Boston on a forty days leave of absence His father is in poor health and he is the only son that can settle his affairs as he has but one brother, and he is in the Army as a private. He sent in his resignation with his reasons for so doing, but instead of it being axcepted, he received a furlough. He started last night Via. Cairo. Will probably make a short stop at Alton on his return. I do not wish you to think that I am trying to compete with Hazard for a Lieutenancy of this Company, for I would not stoop to do as low things as he has done to gain his point. I have never asked for any promotion since being in the service, nor either have I received it. [previous four words underlined] I have come nearly to the bottom of this page, and have but the faintest idea of what it contains, nor do I believe that I could read it. Please excuse this hasety scrawl for it is bed time, or at least the clock across the street has just struck the quarter to twelve Love to all. So good night C. W. Colby