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of a flag presentation from the Massachusetts Ladies, Residents of New Orleans, to Banks boddy guard, for they are the ones that received the flag, although they claimed to have given it to the Cavalry Division. Yesterday I received a letter from Johnny Beem He is at Pass Cavalla Texas. He says that the troops there have had a hard time this winter. They are on a barre sandy shore where the wind strikes them with terrific force. Their wood they have had to carry from four to six miles, mostly on their backs As they took out but very few waggons for transportation, and that nearly all the time since they been there they have been short of rations. I shal be anxious to hear from you again to know if it is so, that all the Peach trees are killed. I guess it will be the same as the Orange trees here only killed in localities. Some time ago there was a cry that the said trees were all dead but that is not exactly so. Will now bring this to a close for I must write to Johnny to night. Give my love and respects, as the case may be, to enquiring friends With a good supply to the home sircle I remain your loveing Brother Carlie [begin vertical writing] Shall endeavor to write to Catie in a few days [vertical writing end]